Professional Development Committee

The committee exists to promote the professional development of teachers of mathematics.

Most recently, the Committee has been finding ways in which we can implement the Membership survey results and feedback. 

If you would be interested in joining the Professional Development Committee please get in touch, email to find out more or tweet our PD Chair @pdLouiseP


2nd Annual Equals Conference: Access for All

28 September 2024

When: 28th September 2024, 9:30am for 10am start

Venue: The National Mathematics and Science College, Coventry, CV4 8JB

Ticket Prices:  £80 for MA members  |  £100 for non-members

View the Programme here*   |   Session Outlines

*Please note Pete Jarrett's session will be a remote session. 

Book your ticket


Les Staves

The roots of maths for children with very special needs

The presentation will discuss why it is important to have a curriculum that will encourage relevant maths to grow for all children, including those who are at the earliest levels of learning.   It will review the nature of relevant content and approaches to teaching and learning.

Its starting points may relate to children who have not yet reached numeracy or are well behind age-related expectations. But I hope it will provoke consideration if its messages are relevant at later levels.

Les is a consultant to special schools and focuses on interpreting the mathematics curriculum to develop appropriate learning for all pupils.

Kinga Morsanyi

Dyscalculia: What it is and what to do about it

Dyscalculia (specific learning difficulty in mathematics) is a condition that affects about 6% of the school-age population. Although dyscalculia is as prevalent as dyslexia, and it can seriously affect people’s life chances, it is neglected by both educational professionals and policy-makers. Currently, in the UK (and in many other countries), a diagnosis of dyscalculia is almost non-existent, and educational support and official recognition is lacking. In this talk, I will present information about current conceptualisations of dyscalculia, how it can be identified, and how it can be discriminated from other conditions. I will also introduce a new screening tool to identify pupils with mathematics difficulties in the classroom and make some recommendations for best practice.

Kinga is a cognitive/developmental psychologist and senior lecturer at Loughborough University who focuses on thinking skills and mathematical cognition.

Our Exhibitors

We are very pleased to welcome to our conference exhibition....

Timely Practice

Close the learning gap

25 years of teaching made Lesley despair over equals-cohort learners' barrier to learning: forgetting. Timely Practice facilitates retrieval practice of bite-sized learning: learners complete personalised PDF assignments every lesson. Please help grow the body of evidence this method positively transforms progress. Research free, cheap later!