Professional Development Committee

The committee exists to promote the professional development of teachers of mathematics.

Most recently, the Committee has been finding ways in which we can implement the Membership survey results and feedback. 

If you would be interested in joining the Professional Development Committee please get in touch, email to find out more or tweet our PD Chair @pdLouiseP


TOAST - Teachers Of Maths Associations Solving problems Together

21 June 2016

Headline / Maths Jam on Toast.  We would like people to bring a puzzle to share.

Date  Tuesday, 21st June 2016

Time:  7pm (‘ish)

Presenter:  East Midlands Branch and Maths Jam.

Summary:  Maths Jam on Toast.  We would like people to bring a puzzle to share.

Venue: The Old Horse, 198 London Road, Leicester LE2 1NE

Cost:  no charge


We are joining forces with Maths Jam Leicester to have a joint MA/ATM session, which I have deemed (Maths Jam on Toast)

The TOAST is:

Teachers Of (Maths) Associations Solving (problems) Together

MathsJam Leicester

We meet on the second to last Tuesday of every month, from 7pm in the evening at The Old Horse on London Road.

For more information, and to be added to our mailing list so we can remind you when each event is happening, email Noel at