The Mathematical Gazette

The Mathematical GazetteThe Mathematical Gazette is one of the leading journals in its field, publishing important and influential articles  about the teaching and learning of mathematics.  

It also features fascinating expositions of attractive areas of mathematics, book reviews, and a teasing problem  corner.  

Its readership spans the globe and includes school teachers, college and university lecturers, students,  educationalists and others with an interest in mathematics. Each issue is a mix of articles on a wide range of topics, a problem corner where problems are set and readers are encouraged to solve them and a student problem corner, containing problems for upper secondary school students. 

Download a sample booklet here


Being a member of the MA means you will join a community that has a love of mathematics and education at its heart. If you teach, we offer support to develop your mathematical knowledge throughout your career for personal learning and enjoyment and to help inspire your students.

Gazette membership includes The Mathematical Gazette, our higher education journal, as well as the Members' magazine Mathematical Angles, issued 3 times per year.

Secondary Plus Membership includes the Members magazine, The Mathematical Gazette and also Mathematics in School, our Secondary journal, issued 5 times per year.

Institutional Membership

Gazette Membership: £102

Secondary Plus Membership: £119

Personal Membership

Trainees and ECTs receive 50% off the cost of membership in their first two years of teaching.

Secondary Membership : £78

Secondary Plus Membership : £108

Editorial Committee

Editor: Gerry Leversha (editorial matters only)

Production Editor: Bill Richardson

The Editorial Committee welcome articles from contributors. Please read the guidelines for authors submitting articles to The Mathematical Gazette.

Books for review should be submitted to the Reviews Editor, Owen Toller.

Advertising enquiries should be addressed to The Advertising Manager

Presidential Addresses from The Mathematical Gazette

The MA is very proud of its history and particularly that of the people who have been the Presidents since 1871

A full list of past Presidents can be found here

Student Problem Corner

This is a popular feature of The Mathematical Gazette, in which students at British schools are invited to tackle two problems in each issue.  Note that you can only submit solutions through your school or college. 

Download the Student Problem Corner Consent Form here.

Student Problem Corner material:

Due to the late delivery of the July Gazette, the July SPC has been repeated for November to allow students the opportunity to tackle them. 

2024 November & 2024 July| 2024 March

2023 November | 2023 July | 2023 March

2022 November | 2022 July | 2022 March 

2021 November | 2021 July | 2021 March

2020 November | 2020 July | 2020 March

2019 November | 2019 July | 2019 March

2018 November | 2018 July | 2018 March

Gazette Index

The Gazette production team has created an index for the years 1894 to 2019, covering issues 1 to 558. Click here to access the list

150th Anniversary Article Collection